Typhoon Report
AD Number : 36 2006-04-20

Fu Jen University--The Language Center

 [email protected]


Name of Institue or School The Language Center of Fu Jen Catholic University 天主教輔仁大學附設語言中心
Text of Ad

●●● Class Hours ●●●
Monday through Friday (schedule is arranged by the Language Center administration). In addition to “A Touch of Chinese Culture” and “Extracurricular Courses”, full-time students must enroll in at least ten (10) hours of Chinese language instruction each week. (Part-time students do not have to meet this requirement. Part-time students are those students taking classes at the LC who came to ROC on visas other than the LC-sponsored student/visitor's visa)

*** Courses Offered ***
1. General Course
2. Special Courses
3. A Touch of Chinese Culture
4. Extracurricular Activities
5. Six-Week Intensive Mandarin Course

Fu Jen University is located 10 kilometers (6 miles) from the heart of Taipei City. The LC has air-conditioned classrooms. Facilities include audio-visual rooms, study lounge, and rest area.

In addition to a strong Chinese language expertise, LC teachers have backgrounds and training in many other fields as well, including Chinese history, Chinese philosophy, other foreign languages, business, broadcast journalism, theater, and much more. All teachers have at least a bachelor's degree. The experienced faculty is enthusiastic about teaching Chinese, using a curriculum that is engaging and systematic. The faculty has a reputation for producing students with a firm grasp of the Chinese language. Currently, the LC has 250 students from over 20 different countries.

For more details, please visit our website at: http://www.lc.fju.edu.tw/english/eindex.htm

Type of Classes Offered Both Offered
Part-time Schedules

1. Language Courses for Summer Sessions (based on 10 hours per week)
2. Cultural Classes (based on 2 hours per week)

FULL-Time Schedules

1. Language Courses (based on 10 hours per week)
2. Speech Laboratory (24 hours per term)

Classes Begin

1. Language Courses: June 2006 - Aug. 2006
2. Speech Laboratory: June 2006 - Aug. 2006
3. Language Courses for Summer Sessions:
(1) June. 1st - June 30th, 2006
(2) July. 3rd - July. 31st, 2006
(3) Aug. 1st - Aug. 24th, 2006

Age Level of Class University
Street Address 510 Chungcheng Rd., Hsinchuang 24205,Taipei TAIWAN, R.O.C.
District New Taipei City 新北市
Location Taipei County 臺北縣
Google Map Link