AD Number : 232 2008-03-16

Un nativo de habla hispana buscando a personas que quieran aprender espanol

Your Nationality Nicaragua
Highest Educational Level Achieved Bachelors Degree
Highest Educational Level Achieved in Taiwan
Highest Educational Level Major Political Science
Highest Educational Level institution Name
Bachelor's Degree Achieved in Taiwan
Bachelor's Degree Major Political Science
Bachelor's Degree Institution Name
Your Mandarin Ability Beginner
Your English Ablility Beginner
Languages You Can Tutor Spanish
Languages You are a Native Speaker of Spanish
Language Abilities You Can Tutor Reading,Writing,Listening,Speaking,Pronunciation,Conversation,Homework Help,Business,Newspapers & Magazine Reading,Email Compose / Reply,Immigration / Emigration Forms,Oral or Written Presentation,Essay Writing
Certificates or Tests your have taught before
Certificates I hold or Tests I have passed
Describe your Certificates or Tests Scores
Years of Tutoring Experience 2
Headline of Your Ad (10 characters) Un nativo de habla hispana buscando a personas que quieran aprender espanol

Describe Yourself, Your Tutoring Experience & Approach (300 characters)

hola my nombre es Antonio tengo dos anos de experiencia dando clases de espanol a ninos y adultos en mi pais tengo un buen metodo de esnanza las personas a las que le di clases anteriormente estuvieron muy sastisfechos por la ensenanza que les brinde ya que en poco tiempo aprendieron a leer y entender espanol. puedo tambien dar clases de espanol en el area de negocios. no importa si su nivel de espanol es poco puedo dar clases a personas que tengan un nivel bajo de espanol o que esten interezados en aprenderlo

你好我的名字是Antonio. 在我的國家我有兩年敎成人及小孩西班牙文的經驗 我的敎法能夠幫助初學者在短時間內熟悉西班牙文閱讀寫作及對話 之前學生的反應都非常好 我同樣也有敎授商用西班牙文的經驗 所以無論是對學生或是社會人士都能適用


Monday Morning Afternoon Evening

Tuesday Morning Afternoon Evening

Wednesday Morning Afternoon Evening

Thursday Morning Afternoon Evening

Friday Morning Afternoon Evening

Saturday Morning Afternoon Evening

Sunday Morning Afternoon Evening

Other Schedule you prefer
Type of Classes You Prefer Face to Face
Lowest Hourly Pay NT$ 500
Highest Hourly Pay NT$ 600
Discount for Additional Students Negotiable
Offer One-hour Introductory Class Free Yes
Currently Available for Substitute Teaching Positions Yes
Location You Prefer to Tutor Chatroom Tutoring,Zhongzheng, Wenshan, Muzha, Southern Taipei City,Da-an, Xinyi, Central Taipei City
Currently I am a(an) Other
Are you in Taiwan Yes
If you're Not in Taiwan, Month You will Arrive
Your Gender Male
Your Age 23
Your Location Taipei City 台北市
Postal Zone