Starting again ...
Preferred Class Times
Monday Morning Afternoon Evening
Tuesday Morning Afternoon Evening
Wednesday Morning Afternoon Evening
Thursday Morning Afternoon Evening
Friday Morning Afternoon Evening
Failed attempt No.1 trying again now ....................... I lost a battle and don't want to lose the war against Mandarin. I am not looking to be fluent but being able to have a very simple discussion. I passed the first level but due to work I did not have time to study so I have lost everything I knew.
Chinese Tutor Wanted
初 |
台北市 |
聽,說 |
初 |
台北市 |
讀,寫,聽,說 |
初 |
台南市 |
聽,說 |
中 |
高雄市 |
聽,說 |
初 |
台北市 |
聽,說 |