Friendly/Business Experience US Native Speaker
Describe Yourself, Your Tutoring Experience & Approach (300 characters)
Previous University Instructor in:English
Business English
Western Culture
American History
Master's Degree
Business Certificates
Coaching Certificates
ESL/TEFL Training
Taught in University, Cram Schools
in Taiwan, Primary, Junior High and
High School, Working Adults
Interesting, Fun, Friendly, You will
Talk and Practice a lot! You will learn
many new things about life, culture,
travel, American way of life, History,
Music, Movies, Business, Small Talk,
Presentation skills, Humor and more!
Hundreds of satisfied students and customers
over 10 years!
Monday Morning Afternoon Evening
Tuesday Morning Afternoon Evening
Wednesday Morning Afternoon Evening
Thursday Morning Afternoon Evening
Friday Morning Afternoon Evening
Chinese Tutor Wanted
初 |
台北市 |
讀,聽,說 |
初 |
新竹縣 |
讀,寫,聽,說 |
初 |
嘉義市 |
讀,寫,聽,說 |
中 |
台北市 |
說 |
中 |
台北市 |
讀,聽,說 |