Typhoon Report
AD Number : 31905

Chinese- English interpreter

Hua Cheng Consulting Group Limited

 [email protected]

 (02) 25472277

Full or Part-Time Have Both Available
If Part-time, when Part-time Mornings and Afternoons
If Part Time, what days Monday to Saturday
If FULL-Time, when Mornings & Afternoons
When Job is Available Anytime
Degree Required Bachelors

Text of Ad

Place of work: Taipei
Position: Full-time Chinese-English Interpreter
Job Description:
1. Assist senior executives in expanding international markets, providing real-time interpretation during business negotiations.
2. Assist in high-level meeting resolutions and follow-ups.
3. Translation of documents.

Age Level of Class Adult
Average Number of Students in Class
School Provides Curriculum Yes
Contact Person Abby
Zip/Postal Code 105
Location Taipei City 台北市
Street Address 8F, No.214., Dunhua N. Rd.