AD Number : 879 2008-12-22

American English Tutor

Your Nationality USA
Highest Educational Level Achieved Bachelors Degree
Highest Educational Level Achieved in USA
Highest Educational Level Major Business
Highest Educational Level institution Name
Bachelor's Degree Achieved in USA
Bachelor's Degree Major Business
Bachelor's Degree Institution Name
Your Mandarin Ability Beginner
Your English Ablility Native Speaker
Languages You Can Tutor English
Languages You are a Native Speaker of English
Language Abilities You Can Tutor Reading,Writing,Listening,Speaking,Pronunciation,Conversation,Business,Newspapers & Magazine Reading,Email Compose / Reply,Immigration / Emigration Forms,Oral or Written Presentation,Essay Writing,Professionals, lawyer, accountant, doctor, etc.
Certificates or Tests your have taught before GEPT Intermediate
Certificates I hold or Tests I have passed
Describe your Certificates or Tests Scores
Years of Tutoring Experience 10+
Headline of Your Ad (10 characters) American English Tutor

Describe Yourself, Your Tutoring Experience & Approach (300 characters)

Hello, my name is Kevin David. I've been living and teaching here in Asia for over 18 years. I received my training in Japan where I worked for several years before coming to Taiwan. I specialize in Business English Lessons as well as Everyday Conversation. I have also done extensive work with Resumes, Presentations, Proof Reading of documents, and E-mails.I'm looking for students who are sincere about improving their ability and committed to learning. I do my best to keep the lessons informative and interesting by using a variety of materials and topics that match the students needs. My teaching structure is based on open conversation, reading and building listening comprehension. I feel that the best way for people to learn is by actually enjoying the lessons and of course participating in positive interactive conversation. I've taught in nearly 100 companies, several schools, and have had many private students here in Taiwan over the past 12 years. So if you need a teacher who is focused and creative with the lessons please contact me at your soonest convenience.


Monday Morning Afternoon Evening

Tuesday Morning Afternoon Evening

Wednesday Morning Afternoon Evening

Thursday Morning Afternoon Evening

Friday Morning Afternoon Evening

Saturday Morning Afternoon Evening

Sunday Morning Afternoon Evening

Other Schedule you prefer
Type of Classes You Prefer Face to Face
Lowest Hourly Pay NT$ 800
Highest Hourly Pay NT$ 1,500+
Discount for Additional Students Negotiable
Offer One-hour Introductory Class Free No
Currently Available for Substitute Teaching Positions Not At This Time
Location You Prefer to Tutor Shilin, Beitou, Tienmu, Northern Taipei City,Da-an, Xinyi, Central Taipei City,Songshan, Neihu, Nangang, Eastern Taipei City
Currently I am a(an) Full-Time Tutor
Are you in Taiwan Yes
If you're Not in Taiwan, Month You will Arrive
Your Gender Male
Your Age 46
Your Location Taipei City 台北市
Postal Zone 104