AD Number : 65672 2018-06-20

Would you like to get better communicating in English? Maybe you can help me improve my Chinese and Taiwanese ability?

Nationality USA
Category Language Exchange 語言交換
Aim Language Exchange
English Ability Native Speaker
Mandarin Ability Good
Marital Status
Race / Ethnicity Chinese
Body Type
Social Drinker?
Have Children?

Text of Ad

大家好!我在美國長大。我想加強自己的中文,也許能交到語言交換的朋友。用中文講話時,我可以討論簡單的話題,但專業領域的討論就有需要進步的空間。 我對很多話題感興趣(比如,自由思考的理念,台灣文化,健康,旅行, 等等). 我喜歡用幽默和創意方法互相學習語言。我們可以互相糾正語言發音,让彼此講得比較自然和標準。目前我在加州,所以安排共同時間可能要花一點工夫。如果你想多了解美國風俗的話,請留短信(PM)...你是誰,你有什麼興趣?請自我介紹!

Hi! I'm a Taiwanese American native English speaker and working professional in my 30s. I love Taiwan and hope to find a time to travel there for an extended period. For now, I'd like to improve my fluency in Chinese and find fun people to practice with via voice chat. I'd love for us to talk about how we might be able to help each other. Let's play, explore, and learn together!

Name Roux
Location USA