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National Chengchi University 國立政治大學

National Chengchi University,國立政治大學,NCCU
            Dual Degrees and So Much More !,
In 2011 Taiwan's National Chengchi University Business School (College of Commerce, National Chengchi University / NCCU) inaugurated a Dual Degree with program the prestigious European International School of Management in Nantes, France.  With NCCU’s admission by the AACSB and EQUIS the world has continued to recognize the quality of the instruction available in Taiwan, and especially at NCCU.  As this process continues the presence of international students will play an increasingly important role for the future of every institution of higher learning.

Last fall, NCCU announced the launch of Taiwan's first ever official Dual Degree program, working together with ESCP Europe (ESCP Europe Business School, 巴黎高等商業學院), ranked one of the world’s top Master in management in 2010.  Dr. Samuel Chen, Director of NCCU IMBA said there were more than two hundred European students an NCCU, nearly sixty percent of the school’s total of international students.  Additionally, NCCU IMBA now has over forty sister schools among the colleges and universities of Europe. 
Why has Europe begun to place so much emphasis on Taiwan? 

The main reason is that many European elites and academics recognize Asia is the focus of future financial markets.  So, European schools intend to send their children to Asia, and Taiwan is always the leading place for Western students to explore the Greater China market.

As an illustration of this recently the membership of Taiwan’s ECCT (European Chamber of Commerce Taipei,台北歐洲商會) has increased rapidly, reaching nearly 800 members today.  Why so fast? Because they recognize Taiwan as the best gateway to Greater China: countries which want to enter the Great China market, but they do not know the easiest method, or they want to go cautiously.  Now, they think the best way is cooperating with Taiwan.  For example, sending their team or the company's core departments to Taiwan, or employing Taiwanese to work in China.

Taiwan: the Most Efficient Means to Enter the Great China Market

Rising Asia: every country’s finance and equity sectors recognize the opportunity in China’s financial market.  Taiwan’s first-hand understanding of Eastern thought and Chinese culture combined with its level playing field becomes Taiwan's main advantage to companies worldwide.  On several occasions foreign companies which met with poor results in attempting to reach Mainland markets experienced handsome turnarounds when they restarted their efforts using Taiwan as their locus of action. 

Why do foreign investors seek Taiwan’s help? Because of the values of social and cultural factors.  Among the legal and cultural foundations of Taiwan there is consistently high reliability, stable policies, and friendly attitudes toward foreign enterprises!  NCCU’s programs are all an attempt to reflect an capitalize on those assets – to train professional talent from counties around the world and enable them to play a significant and enduring role between their countries and Asia.

What is the advantages of international students studying in Taiwan?

Taiwan can attract students more than any other location across Greater China because of two advantages: first, Taiwan's lifestyle is so close to the Western world in every aspect.  Second, students can study Chinese business culture and learn that how to communicate while living with the most welcoming Chinese people in the world.

Further, the business sector of Taiwan is perhaps the most well-versed in knowing how to take a company into the Greater China market: today there are nearly 40,000 Taiwan-funded enterprises in Mainland China and more than one million Taiwanese working there.  The understanding of China  is Taiwan’s great advantage. And, no school of business exemplifies this understanding nor focuses on it more sharply than NCCU and the IMBA program.

NCCU’s IMBA Program also provides a series of specially-designed "Asian Management" (Management in Asia) courses so that IMBA students can understand Eastern traditions and Chinese thought and how these affect the economy of personnel management and deal making.  These classes are tailored to each international students needs – so students can focus on the resources and means of production that are most important to the sectors of the economy that their own countries have the strongest ties to.  For foreign students, it’s also an amazing attraction!

How Could the NCCU IMBA Help International students?

1. Career Planning
NCCU always takes the students’ perspective.  Programs are never just a degree alone, as an end.  They have developed and continue to improve robust career planning and prepare students to take Asia-focused positions both at home and in the region which leverage their understanding of Chinese markets.

2. Chinese Language
NCCU makes sure that graduates gain a level of proficiency that will set them apart from their peers – a level of language skill that makes students able not just to be in the room, nor not just able to listen, but to participate in the deals as they are being made.  NCCU graduates bring skills to the table skills their employers compete to get.

3. Strong Alumni Association
Since its establishment in 2001, the IMBA program has graduated outstanding business professionals from across the globe in many industry sectors. The IMBA Alumni Association (IMBAA) was established in order to create, develop, and maintain opportunities for alumni through a life-long term partnership.

Additionally, IMBA students are given the opportunity to strengthen their managerial skills and gain working experience through internships with local or foreign enterprises.  In an effort to expand the involvement and participation of the extended IMBA alumni, NCCU strive to establish close bonds among alumni, former students, current students, faculties, staff, and the local community.

The Advantage to Foreign Talent

Taiwan has become the center of integration with the Eastern culture and Asia. Studying or working in Taiwan is the best tool for anyone who wants not just to enter the Greater china market, but to do so successfully and profitably.

When foreign companies want to enter the Great China Market, What kind of talents is their best choice?  Clearly, if you have been studying in Taiwan and know Chinese culture, business practices and business people very well, then, you will be the best choice – no doubt!


Tomasz Hasinski - Interview
Name: Tomasz Hasinski 湯瑪士
Company: HTC (宏達國際電子股份有限公司)
Title : Manager , Proposition Planning and Communication
Age: 36

Since its inception HTC has remained one of the fastest-growing companies in the mobile sector.  The company has introduced dozens of HTC-branded products around the world.

Business Week ranked HTC as the second-best performing technology company in Asia in 2007 as well as giving the company the number 3 spot in its Global listing in 2006.
Q. Where are you from?

I was born in Poland but I moved to the U.S. when I was 12.

Q. What university did you attend in the USA?

I went to Cornell University.

Q. What was your Major?


Q. Did you travel to Taiwan before you enrolled in the IMBA program at NCCU?

I was living in Taiwan before I started studying.

Q. Why did you choose the NCCU IMBA Program?

I was in Taiwan already and I was looking to get into an MBA school and NCCU looked like a good program.

Q. Why do you say this?

Because I read about some of the professors there and I saw that they are connected to many good universities outside.  And, it was also flexible – so, the classes were at night.  So, if you want to, you can work still and then take classes at night.  And, I went to the orientation and I heard the students talk about it and they said good things about it.

Q. What was your work before in the US?

I was a software engineer; integration engineer.  I worked for the world's largest law
firm at the time in New York City - Clifford Chance US LLP.

Q. What was your major in the NCCU IMBA program?

Finance and Marketing.

Q. Why did you choose to study in an IMBA program if your background is engineering?

I think it’s a good complement. It’s a good other side to know. Engineering is one thing but you need to know business also. So, marketing – how to market good ideas is important. It builds on the engineering ideas.

Q. What was your favorite class at the NCCU IMBA?

My favorite class was Confucius & Leadership – Professor Li.  The things I learned in that class are a kind of philosophical approach to thinking about problem solving, in life, in business and in career.  So, I think these are ideas that I will use, and I already have used, for a long time.  So, very good ideas.

Q. So, you think this class was very interesting?

Yeah.  Very interesting class.  Makes you think a lot.  You learn things that – they will be useful for the rest of your life.

Q. Do you have any other favorite classes?

I liked other classes also: economics was very good.  Some of the marketing classes were good.

Q. Why were these interesting?

These were interesting in different ways.  Economics is problem solving.  Marketing is also just the different ways to think about the things you create.

Q. Tell us about going to work for HTC.

Actually, I found out about HTC when I was a student at NCCU.  Some of my classmates were saying how good this company is and what the big future it has, big future for the company.  So, that was three years ago.

Q. So, your classmates recommended you to HTC or…

Actually, my friend was – he already had an HTC phone there, from Texas.  And, he loved HTC phones and he told me how good the company is.

Q. So, how were you able to get the opportunity to work in HTC? Do you have an internship there?

No.  Actually, when I was at the IMBA program, I tried to organize jobs, tried to look for jobs for the school.  And, some of my friends and I put together a resume book, and we just took it around to many places in Taiwan.  And, when I was going around showing the resume book one person just called me and they said they had a job that maybe I would be interested in.  And, that’s how it happened.

You must be very excellent – that’s the reason I called you!
I think they needed, they – a lot of companies are looking for people with, I think, different talents from all over the world in Taiwan.

Q. So, NCCU University help to look for a job?

Yeah, I think so… the reason I'm working at HTC is because I went to NCCU.

Q. How do you feel so far since you began working at HTC?

Well, I think it’s a very exciting field to be working in.  It’s the newest technology right now.  It’s very…it’s something that’s changing very fast.  So, fast.  Exciting.  Very high competition.  So, it’s challenging.  I enjoy challenging work.

Q. What among the things you learned in NCCU are you applying in your current position? Marketing or…

Some of the marketing, because the job I actually got was in marketing.  So, I changed my career from technical to more marketing.  So, studying at NCCU helped because I can say that I’m interested in marketing, so it’s a good transition.  But, as far as the classes: some of the marketing classes helped and I think the Confucius class helped as well, I think.

Q. Why do you feel the Confucius class is good for your work now?

Because it doesn’t teach you literally, it more teaches you how to think about problems in a bigger way and how to reflect, how to look back on some decisions.  It helps you slow down when you are making a big decision in – not rush.

Q. What suggestions to you have four other foreign students who are considering the IMBA program at NCCU?

I would suggest that they go to the orientation session and they speak to more students, speak to some of the students that are in the program right now to find out more about it if and read about it on the web site.

David - Interview
Name: David Joughin賈大衛
Title : International Marketing Consultant
Age: 43

CHIC BUSINESS & BRAND INC. is a professional consulting company in Taiwan, specializing in brand strategy, management and communication. CBBIC have advised more than 150 large, medium and small enterprises throughout Taiwan. CBBIC consultants have been employed by internationally recognized companies including MSI, C-TECH and Apacer.

Q. Where are you from?

State of Maine, United States.

Q. How old are you?

I stopped calculating my age when I hit 37, but I can tell you I was born in 1969 ;)  You have to do the math yourself.

Q. What was your major in NCCU’s IMBA?

Finance & Marketing.

Q. What year did you start?

I started the IMBA Program in 2008, but I arrived in Taiwan in 2000.  So I have been here more than 8 years.

Q. When did you graduate?

I graduated in 2011.

Q. Why did you choose the NCCU University and the IMBA?

The first reason is because of the relatively elastic class time.  I can get my degree while still being able to work. 

The second – most NCCU IMBA students have been employed by different well-known global enterprises and were talents from countries al around the world, so I can compare notes about business experience with different people.  We have learned from each other.
Q. Any other reasons?

What’s my best choice? In fact, I collected a lot of school information and discussed with my friends before I decided to enroll in NCCU’s IMBA.  I choose NCCU because National Chengchi University is the first Taiwan University to be recognized by the AACSB (The Association to Advance Collegiate School of Business, AACSB,國際商學院促進協會)and EQUIS(European Quality Improvement System,歐洲質量發展系統).
Without a doubt that’s the thing that motivated me the most to choose this excellent school.  And, that degree of recognition also means that I can be sure my school will always be known by employers all over Greater China and around the world.

Q. Does NCCU offer students a lot of support? And how about the IMBA?

Yes.  As far as I know, when foreign students first came to Taiwan, NCCU will arrange to the pick them up and assign a mentor to take care of daily issues students may face when arriving.  The program I know is very helpful, but was not as critical for me because I had been in Taiwan for a long time already when I enrolled.

Q. Describe the IMBA?

I think the some finance and marketing courses are very great, of course, the Case Teaching and some experience on the business operation were also very good.
In fact, no university or MBA programs could provide students with complete experience of practical operation directly, but NCCU IMBA could give you a basic support and assistance to help you to establish a basic concept.

Q. What was your favorite class in the IMBA class?

I have two favorite subjects.  The first is Confucianism and leadership (儒家思想與領導,Professor Li.). I think this course not only helped me develop leadership thinking, but also let me better understand the ideas of the people of Taiwan.  For example, I could only know that there is a cultural phenomenon in Taiwan in the past, but after the class, I can further understand why, and know in-depth, the reasons for many phenomena of the culture.
The other one is Practical New Product Development and Marketing(創新產品營銷,Professor Sandra Liu.)   I got great ideas after the class.  If I want to design some new products, not only understanding about launching products, but also how to considering evaluate market demand make a complete marketing plan and build a professional launch team.

Q. In your opinion, could such and understanding help the companies when they want to enter the Greater China Market?

I think studying in Taiwan you learn to understand Asian culture, making it possible for you to help western companies enter the Great Chinese market more easily.
The IMBA program at NCCU is very helpful for understanding management and Chinese company culture.

My classmates in the IMBA program would often share their professional experience of business operations from different well-known companies such as APPLE、JP MORGAN、ASUS、HTC.  They help me to understand that how the Taiwanese Companies run business and what’s the differences between Chinese Culture and Western Culture.

Q. Could you describe more about you background in the U.S.A.?

In the US I had a variety of jobs.  I think I mentioned that I sold advertising for a small newspaper.  I later worked for several tree care companies.  The work was a combination of sales/customer service and supervising crews doing the work.

Q. What is your current occupation? Can you describe your job?

I am currently work for CHIC BUSINESS & BRAND INC. ,as International Marketing Consultant.  I help Taiwan enterprises understand the European market, develop brand strategy and overseas promotion.

Q. How did you get the job? Did the NCCU University help you?

I got this job through one of my IMBA classmates, who works in a well-known computer company.

In the past, I interned in the Taiwan Futures Exchange (Taiwan Futures Exchange, TAIFEX) planning department (Business DEVELOPMENT) , the internship experience helped me better understand how to help the development of the company.
The TAIFEX internship was arranged through NCCU.  They offered one place for a 3 month internship in the business development department.  It was announced to everyone in the program and I applied for it.  It was a good chance to see how a larger Taiwanese company works and people there were really helpful about helping me to understand how the company runs.
Q. Where are your classmates from the NCCU IMBA working today?

JP Morgan(美商摩根大通銀行股份有限公司)

Q. How did the IMBA program help you?

Studying at NCCU for my IMBA program has been very helpful for my work today.  It helped me to establish my foundation for success in Taiwan.  In addition my classmates and friends I made also gave me great help.

Q. What were your biggest concerns before coming to Taiwan?

I stayed in Taiwan for many years ago before I decided to study the IMBA program.
To be honest, I don’t know I would stay so long.  At the first, I just want to have short-term travel, intending to expand my international horizons. But I fell in love with Taiwan increasingly as I started to learn Chinese. Finally, I decided to stay here.

I think Taiwanese is very good country with incredibly kind people.  There are so many benefits here. The environment and living habits are quite similar to Western custom. 

If people from abroad are interested in the development occurring across greater China Taiwan is their the best choice to live and prepare to understand and succeed here.
Q. What will you suggest foreign student who want to study NCCU IMBA?

I suggest that people who intend to come to Taiwan make a complete plan and clear objectives.  In addition, they must have to make good use of the advantages of living in Asia, just like studying IMBA and learning Chinese. It’s will become an incredible advantage.
And most importantly, the MBA program at NCCU is the same high quality as at any well-known western university – remember the AACSB & EQUIS accreditation – but the COST is just a fraction of universities in the west!!   And the cost of living in Taiwan is inexpensive.  Then the Taiwan government provides scholarships for foreign students!  It’s all VERY appealing!

Prosper Zombre - Interview
Name: Prosper Zombre 周天威
Company: WoWi Approval Services, Inc.
Title : Global Certification Specialist for Africa
Age: 34

WoWi is an international certification company working out of in Taiwan consulting to electronics manufacturers worldwide, such as Samsung, Microsoft and other even other well-known global and local manufacturers.  WoWi provide companies a means to quickly and efficiently obtain approval certificates for their 3C electronic products for market penetration worldwide

Q. Where are you from?

I am from Burkina Faso, West Africa.

Q. May I ask how old are you?

I'm 34 years old.

Q. What was your undergraduate major?

I got my undergraduate degree in University of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, Burkina Faso. I majored in Economics and Management.

Q. How long have you been Taiwan?

I have lived in Taiwan for 2 years – the time of my studies in the IMBA Program.

Q. What was your major in the IMBA program?

In the IMBA program, I majored in International Business and Finance.

Q. What year did you start?

I started the IMBA Program in 2009

Q. When did you graduate?

I graduated in June 2011

Q. Please tell me some reasons why people in your country should come to study in NCCU University and the IMBA.

My country has good relations with Taiwan that offers scholarships to students who deserve it to studies in many programs in the Island, including the IMBA of NCCU. Taiwan would be a good choice for people interested in experiencing Greater China Culture or for those who are seeking to study in excellent universities abroad as the universities in Taiwan have good reputation among world-class universities.

Q. Did NCCU offer students a lot of support? And how about the IMBA?

From my point of view, the facilities available in NCCU are of very good quality and offer excellent study conditions.

The IMBA office staff works with complete professionalism to assist students during their study period and even after they graduate.
Q. In the IMBA program, what was your favorite class?

I liked most of the classes and learned a lot from the outstanding professors, so it’s hard for me to tell which class I preferred the most. However, taking into account my orientation, “International Business Management” was one of classes I really enjoyed the teaching and evaluation style.

Q. In the IMBA program did your professors teach in English or Chinese? What about the tests?

In the IMBA, the classes were taught in English; the test were in English as well.

Q. Did your time in Taiwan help you understand the culture of greater China?

Yes, from Taiwan, I learned Chinese Culture and how this culture influences their way of doing business, with many differences from the western style.

Q. Could such and understanding help the companies when they want to enter the Greater China Market?

Absolutely yes, like in any other region or country in the world, the culture is an important aspect that strongly influences business practices. Therefore, I do believe that understanding Chinese culture from Taiwan can better help prepare companies that are interested in venturing into the Greater China Market with more chance of success.

Q. What company did you work for before?

I worked at National Post Office, Burkina Faso in Finance Department for 6 years before leaving to study in Taiwan.

Q. What is your occupation now?

The complete name of my current company is WoWi Approval Services, Inc. I work there as Global Certification Specialist, and Responsible for the Africa Region market.
Basically, I am in charge of Business development across Africa. I survey countries to understand their regulation and requirement for telecom wireless devices certification, look for and evaluate local agents for business cooperation, go on business trip to visit government officials and local agents.

Q. Could you describe more about company you work for now?

WoWi Approval Services Inc. is a registered company in Taiwan specializing in IT and wireless products' certification for global manufacturers to help them breakthrough the regulatory and certification threshold and enter their products into each country. Please visit http://www.wowiapproval.com to know more about our services and organization.

Q. How did your study at NCCU prepare you for your current job.

Studying at NCCU did helped me be prepared to meet and work with different people having different viewpoints and cultures. Being an IMBA graduate, I feel confident when I have to conduct business discussions with any of my partners.

Q. How did you get your current job? Did the NCCU University help you?

I have been suggested by a friend of mine in NCCU to contact my current company as they were looking for someone to help translate documents and mails from French to English and vice versa. After sending my application package, I passed an interview and first worked part-time as intern before being given more responsibility and confirmed at my current position just after graduation.

The University didn’t directly help me find this job, but it’s obvious that I would have less chance to be employed by this company if I hadn’t studied at NCCU.

Q. What were your biggest concerns before coming to Taiwan?

Before coming to Taiwan, I knew none or too little about this country. It was a risky step for me to go to Taiwan that is, by the way, very far from my country!  So, I was concerned about everything: food, people, safety, study, language, etc.

Q. How did those things work out?

Generally speaking, everything went smoothly for me and I was amazed by Taiwan people kindness, quality of work and discipline.

Q. What would you suggest to foreign student who want to study NCCU IMBA?

Several months after I arrived in Taiwan, I started encouraging friends from my country to come study in Taiwan. Taiwan offers you more than what you expect. Universities are well equipped and the country is safe and enjoys many conveniences such as transportation, shopping, technology. In universities, you will experience multicultural environment and build connections in the many countries around the world.