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NCCU國立政治大學 IMBA - AACSB Accredited, Harvard Cooperation

International Students in the International MBA Program at the College of Commerce, NCCU

Andrew Dickinson

Age: 34
From: America
Experience: Manager, Enterprise-Rent-a-Car

Andrew Dickinson was born in New Mexico. His father served in the U.S. Air Force and Andrew traveled the world during his father’s service - to Germany, France, Austria, Spain, Belgium, Sweden & Holland all before he was 15.

Dickinson chose the International MBA at College of Commerce, NCCU because he was certain about Asia's development in 21st century and sure that he could take advantage of that expanding opportunity by enrolling in NCCU’s.

Dickinson graduated from Sonoma State University and majored in international trade. His overseas experience in his youth instilled in him an abiding interest in international commerce. Dickinson said the reason he worked in Enterprise-Rent-a-Car was the company’s plan to develop the European market. When the company’s direction changed Dickinson made the move to Asia, traveling to Thailand, Kampuchea, Vietnam, Hong Kong and Beijing, Chengdu, Chingtao, Sian, Changchiachieh in China.

While traveling, Dickinson heard positive things about Taiwan from acquaintances he made along the way. Dickinson made the move to Taiwan and earned a good salary working as an English teacher. However, he was still interested in going back to the business world. He read about NCCU’s IMBA in our 1st article about the school. After researching the program, he chose to enroll. Dickinson said he finds Taiwan’s Westernization and culture agreeable. That, in addition to the high income, good living environment and the nice weather on the island. Dickinson also attended the an orientation meeting held by NCCU in 2006, and started his degree in 2007.

Dickinson is currently a full-time student and the new president of the Students’ Association. He hopes he can learn Chinese very well, participate in the development of the Asia-Pacific region, improve his professional knowledge, become a bridge between East-West enterprises and even create his own firm.

Kumba Conateh Nam

Age: 39
From: Gambia
Experience: Deputy Permanent Secretary, Government of the Gambia

Kumba Conateh Nam studied and lived in New York City for 13 years. Her major was International Relations. Upon her return to Gambia she began a public service career. Now, she’s a Deputy Permanent Secretary in the government. In September 2007, Kumba Conateh Nam became one of the international students in the International MBA Program at NCCU’s College of Commerce.

Nam held positions in many different departments of the Gambian government, including the ministry of Education, Foreign Affaires and Information Technology. The most delightful thing in the International MBA Program for Nam has been that there are so many elite students from around the world. Furthermore, she has been happy with the qualifications of the professors, with so many of them also having international backgrounds as well as doctorates from the best universities.

Before enrolling in the program, Nam visited Taipei twice in her official capacities for the Gambian government. Now that she is living in Taipei she compares it favorably to such cities as New York and London. Although highly both are highly urbanized, for Nam she finds the environment in Taipei better than that of London.

Nam describes the skills she is learning in the International MBA program as an invaluable benefit help for her future leadership. The Case Studies approach hones not only her research skills, but also her ability to work in a team of professionals. She believes it will be a great asset to her future in the government and in the private sector.

Gerald Roliz

Age: 30
Nationality: American

  • Sales, Forest Laboratories, California
  • Sales, Otsuka America Pharmaceutical, Inc., California

Gerald Roliz’s father is an engineer from Portugal and his mother is an accountant from China. He graduated from the University of California, Berkeley with degrees in Molecular Cell Biology and Psychology and has worked in well-known pharmaceutical companies for several years.

Roliz can speak Chinese, English and Spanish. After having studied for a brief time in Beijing, Roliz researched the International MBA program at NCCU. He found the course to be a fusion of various cultures, with NCCU professors having diverse overseas backgrounds and qualifications from the best schools. As a student he said he has had this confirmed, and found the program to offer well-organized classes and fellow students with strong business backgrounds.

Roliz said that the International MBA at NCCU interacts closely with the island’s major multi-national firms. Hes sees this as offering a strong advantage to his own and future and that of his classmates.

Ruben Honores

Age: 34
From: Peru
Experience: Systems Engineer, IBM Peru

Ruben Honores first came to Taiwan in 2007 after having been a systems engineer for IBM. Coming to Taiwan was his first experience in an Asian country. From Peru to Taiwan, Honores wants to learn Chinese well and see at the world while he’s still young.

In the environment of International MBA, NCCU, Honores has built many international relationships with classmates from different backgrounds, businesses and nationalities. Like many students studying in NCCU’s International MBA program, Honores puts great emphasis on learning to speak Chinese well. In the NCCU IMBA he has the chance to have his business school coursework entirely in English, but then still be immersed in a all-Chinese environment outside the class to practice conversation.

Honores wants to stay in Asia in the future and explore different fields of employment after graduation. He specifically mentioned the IMBA’s Case Study approach and its team-work component as being useful for his future.

Marcos D. Torres

Age: 29
From: America
Experience: Stocks & Securities

When Marcos D. Torres decided to contine his studies at the graduate level he took the analytical approach and did research. He found out that the environments of Singapore and Hongkong are good, but the languages - English or Cantonese - didn’t meet his needs of learning Mandarin. As for Shanghai - it has the Chinese environment, but there were no ideal courses. Torres saw the enrollment information for the International MBA in our 1st article about the school, he decided to apply and entered in September, 2006.

Torres was eager to learn Mandarin and now speaks fluently. Torres describes Taiwan as having an open society and with many of the conveniences of back home. Many Taiwanese corporations successfully operate manufacturing in Mainland China, which offers more advantages to students. He described Taiwan as being unique among Pacific-rim economies in having a strong, well-regulated market-economy. For Torres, Taiwan is the best place to learn Chinese and gain a post-graduate business degree.

Torres hopes to become a financial analyst. He currently has built strong relationships among fellow students interesated in finance, as well as companies in the field who cooperate with the NCCU program.

Torres described the learning environment in NCCU’s International MBA as challenging in the most positive sense. The professors teach seriously and the Case Study method and teamwork approach are ideal tools for future business professionals.


Scott A. Anderson

Age: 25
From: America

Scot A. Anderson holds an M.A. in International Relationship from the University of Southern California. For Anderson, the ability to learn Chinese is an ultimate asset, both intellectually and - professionally: opening up the markets of the Pacific Rim.

Today, he is absorbed in the Case Studies of the International MBA program, targeting specifically Finance. He formed a Financial Club in December, 2007 and today the club has members of from a vast range of different professional and national backgrounds. Anderson was attracted to NCCU’s all-English program and its high standing in the region.

With a renewed focus on Case Studies, and an expanding elite faculty of academics and business professionals, the all-English, International MBA Program at the College of Commerce, National Chengchi is attracting international students from all parts of the world. Combined with the opportunity to gain deep business contacts across the Pacific-rim - as well as getting to learn Chinese - NCCU's all-English International MBA program has fast become the choice for forward-looking students, public sector workers and business people from around the world seeking to gain a post-graduate business degree that can deliver an advantage in expanding Asian markets.

In 2006 the College of Commerce, National Chengchi University/NCCU was admitted to the Association to Advance Collegiate School of Business (AACSB), entering the ranks of the leading business schools in the world. The AACSB was established in 1916 to accredit schools of business worldwide. Among its founding members are Dartmouth College, Columbia University & Harvard University. The certification process is rigorous. According to current statistics, fewer than 10% of universities worldwide have passed the accreditation. In Asia only 12 schools share the distinction.

NCCU 國立政治大學
NCCU's Logo

Cooperating with Harvard Business School to Establish a Joint Case Distribution Center - - Case Studies Become a Key Instructional Tool

In October 2006, the Harvard Business School signed a cooperative research agreement with the College of Commerce at NCCU to establish a Case Distribution Center one of just two such relationships Harvard has in all of Asia.

Dr. Samuel Chen, the Director of the International MBA at the College of Commerce, NCCU said that going forward the instruction in the program will be based on the Case Studies method instead of lecture, giving students the opportunity to make business assessments on real-world industries as they exist in the marketplace. Additionally, Dr. Chen noted that developing cases gives students the opportunity to make contacts with local businesses leaders and to gain 1st-hand knowledge of management theories in Asia.

Dr. Samuel Chen

Backing up NCCU’s Harvard affiliation, in 2007 the College of Commerce signed a research agreement with the University of Western Ontario’s Richard Ivey School of Business, with an eye toward developing 25 Taiwan case studies together over the next 3 years. According to recent research, the University of Western Ontario’s Richard Ivey School of Business case studies are second only to those published by Harvard Business School.

Teachers and students in NCCU’s International MBA program have developed more than 30 Asian case studies and published “High Tech Industry Case Studies” and “Financial Services Case Studies” in the Spring of 2006. Currently, these volumes are the only Taiwan-produced Chinese / English business Case Studies available.

Attracting Students from Leading Business Schools Around the World

In addition to NCCU’s Harvard affiliation, the quality of the courses and instructors at the College of Commerce is attracting well-known business schools to enroll their own students right here in Taiwan. Purdue University’s Krannert School of Management has sent scores of students to take one & two week intensive courses. Other schools such as the Universita Commerciale L. Bocconi, Italy and Stuttgart Institute of Management and Technology have also seen numerous students sign up to study at NCCU.

Rising Profile, Widening Relationships

The College of Commerce’s academic exchanges are steadily increasing. New research & study relationships with leading Asian universities have been established, including Sungkyunkwan University, Korea, Waseda University, Japan, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Fudan University, Mainland China. Dr. Chen also pointed out that NCCU’s cooperative network of universities will continue to expand to reach all continents, with co-operative agreements currently being undertaken with research universities in Mexico, Brazil & Costa Rica.

These relationships continue to strengthen the ability of the NCCU’s all-English program for overseas students to enable a deeper understanding of business principles, and particularly how business today is being applied to the challenges of a global economy with Asian-based manufacturing centers and purchasers from around the world.

Excellent Chinese and Foreign Teachers, “Management in Asia” Course is Popular among International Students

The International MBA at College of Commerce, NCCU provides a bedrock of business principles, and an unusually strong team of instructors, especially in the area of management. The school not only relies on a strong bench of expert-in-the-field Ph.D.s, but also has a deep roster of executives from business & industry and the public sector who lead classes. Currently, students’ management classes (and remember - all classes are taught in English) are being taught 1/3rd by Western-Educated professors, 1/3rd Asian-Educated professors and 1/3rd leading business executives.

Dr. Jason C. Hsu is the principal of Research Affiliates, LLC, managing a fund of $NT1.24 trillion ($US40 billion). His personal wealth is estimated at $NT62 billion ($US2 billion). Today, Dr. Hsu teaches the courses of “International Finance” at International MBA, NCCU. Dr. Hsu is also a lecturer at the University of California at Davis.

Dr. Hsu graduated from University of California, Los Angeles/UCLA, USA, with a Ph.D. in Finance. And Research Affiliates‘s clients include the pension funds of the state of California, the pension funds of the 3Mcorporation as well as monies managed by Nomura Securities of Japan, the Victoria Fund of Australia, Societe Generale Lyxor Asset Management of France and the Nobel Foundation.

Nora Chang, another leading executive among the executive group of teachers at NCCU, was appointed by Mayor Guilani as the Commissioner of the Employment and Workforce Department, New York City in New York City and also served as President of the Professional Network Group, Inc. She worked in the related enterprises for over 20 years and will teach Globalization & Business Culture.

Dr. Swee Huat Lee was the HR manager of Taiwan Semiconductor, the world’s largest maker of semi-conductors. Dr. Lee is now teaching the Management in Asia courses based on Confucianism and Leadership, among the most popular classes in the curriculum.

Among the related courses in the “Management in Asia” section are:

  1. Asian Ethics and Leadership
  2. Emerging Financial Markets
  3. Chinese Business in Global Perspective
  4. Contemporary Japanese Management
  5. High-Tech Industry in Taiwan
  6. Small and Medium Size Enterprises
  7. Practical Business Project
  8. Intellectual Property Law
  9. Cross-Straits Political and Business Environment
  10. Comparative HR System
  11. Asia Business Environment
  12. Applied Corporate Finance and Business Strategy
  13. Cross Border Strategic Alliances
  14. Confucianism and Leadership
  15. Asia MBA Camp
  16. The IBM Experience

Student Structure

2006 & 2007 IMBA Student Profile

Students come from such Multi-National Companies such as:

52% of IMBA Students have management experience; average years of work experience: 7 years; average age of IMBA Student Body: 30; 18% already have Graduate Degrees

Application Procedure

  1. Complete Application Form
  2. Essays
  3. Three recommendation Letters
  4. Official transcripts from each college/university attended
  5. A copy of the diploma
  6. Photocopy of TOEFL / IELTS scores or other evidence of English proficiency
  7. GMAT scores are not required but preferable
  8. Application fee
  9. Financial Aid package (if applicable)
  10. General Health Certificate (for international applicants only)
  11. Financial Statement (for international applicants only)
  12. Proof of nationality (for international applicants only)

Tuition & Living Expense

The International MBA Program at the College of Commerce, National Chengchi University requires a minimum of 42 credit hours; each credit hour costs NT$8,800 (approx. US$ 250)*. The estimated cost for one academic year:

Tuition based on 21 credit - hours NT$184,800
Incidental Fees NT$22,000
Books NT$20,000
Medical Insurance NT$9,600
Living Expenses NT$180,000
Misc. (Including fieldtrip transportation) NT$15,000
TOTAL NT$431,400 (Approximately US$12,300)


-International applicants

  1. The Taiwan Scholarship – awarded by Taiwan 's Ministry of Foreign Affairs or Ministry of Education, grants students a monthly stipend of NT$ 30,000 for two years.
  2. The ICDF Scholarship – awarded by Taiwan 's International Cooperation Development Fund. Grants full academic scholarship to applicants a monthly stipend of NT$ 15,000 for two years.

-Local applicants

Local applicants are eligible to apply for the IMBA Scholarship


Well-Known Alumni at the College of Commerce, NCCU

Hsueh-Jen Sung宋學仁 國立政治大學企業管理研究所

Currently: Vice President, Goldman Sachs Group Inc. in Asia.

Former: President, Grand Cathay Securities Corporation


  • Known as the “Godfather of Venture Capital” in Taiwan. Goldman Sachs Group regularly leads among investment banks. Sung is renowned across the Asian-Pacific region for his leadership.
  • Established the American Depository Receipt for Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company/TSMC. The first Taiwan listed company to appear on the New York Board Of Trade, the largest overseas fund raising in Taiwan’s history.
  • At Grand Cathay Securities Corporation, created the first corporate bond in Taiwan, creating a new capital market.

Christina Sung 宋文琪



  • Awarded 3rd Golden Goblet Award, for excellent business Leadership
  • Awarded Excellent Woman in Business Industry Field

Joseph Pai 白崇亮

Currently: Chairman, Ogilvy & Mather Taiwan


  • Associate Professor, Institute of Business Administration, National Cheng Chi University
  • Special Assistant to General Manager, ACHEM Technology Corporation

Chen Ming-Bang陳明邦

Currently: Director, IP Asset Management Association


John-ren Chen陳重任

Currently: Dean, Institute of Economic Theory, Policy and History, University of Innsbruck, Austria

Contact Information

International MBA Program
Application Form: Click Here
College of Commerce, National Chengchi University
No. 64, Chi-nan Road, Sec. 2
Wenshan District, Taipei
Taiwan, ROC
Tel: +886 2 2938-7912
Fax: +886 2 2938 7882
E-mail: [email protected]