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Chienkuo Technology University

Dr. Chang, Jae-Woong 張在雄

Chang, Jae-Woong 張在雄

Dr. Chang, Jae-Woong 張在雄 장재웅 is an incredible asset to Chien Kuo Technology University’s campus. A graduate of two of the United States’ leading art institutes: the Pratt Institute in New York City (B.A.) and, again in New York City, at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts culminating in his Ph.D. in Digital Imagery from Korea’s prestigious Sangmyung University. Dr. Chang spent 5 years teaching at Daewon University in South Korea and then was the creative director of one of South Korea’s leading advertising agencies, Egg N Production Co. . He lectures in English and took the time to sit down with us to discuss his outlook on the upcoming year, advertising and the world of Digital Media.


What classes are you teaching this semester?

Commercial photography & commercial film production.


Chang, Jae-Woong 張在雄

What is the easiest product to sell on television?

A product with an established brand image. Those with unknown brand images are harder.


When you are lecturing what is your goal?

My lectures’ goal: I’m thinking about the college students: they want to make the higher quality films, higher quality photography but they don’t have the skills. So, I am teaching this.


What new classes are you hoping to introduce while you are at Chien Kuo Technology University?

All going well I will graduate in two years June 2012.


As the years progress I hope to introduce higher level photography classes.

In most of classes the lectures are given in both English and Chinese and If I don’t understand anything in the lectures the professors are always happy to spend time to explain things. All the professors I have for my classes are able to communicate clearly in English.


How many years were you in the United States?

Eight years.


The schools you attended in the USA are among the leading Fine Arts schools in America. What were their names?

The Pratt Institute and New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts.


What things outside of the arts do students need to know in order to take great pictures or make great films?

I think first people need the skills of using the equipment. But then, they need an art sense. Most significantly they need the creative ability to make a story, their own story. Dr. Chang went on to elaborate that he considered the idea of having a story in mind before approaching the camera was an key ingredient in every iconic photograph of film.


I asked Dr. Chang “Is photography an art or a tool?”

He replied “I think it’s an art.” And in turn asked me: “What about music?” He pointed out that one could say a musician is just using notes to make melodies. But we would never say that’s just a tool. In the same way with photographers – they are creating stories that they execute through the camera – but that is all underwritten by philosophy, thinking and creativity. And thus, an art.

Chang, Jae-Woong 張在雄


Who is your favorite Asian photographer?

Dead Hong Kong immigrated to the USA died HIV virus 1990 Tseng Kwong Chi 曾廣智.


Who is your favorite western photographer?

It’s a toss up between Robert Frank & Henri Cartier-Bresson.


What brand of camera do you prefer?

35mm – Nikon

For larger aperatures, Hasselblad.


I asked Dr, Chang “Would you rather photograph a sunset or a sunrise?”

He replied after some thought that he prefers sunrises, as so much of training is rooted in the classical arts.


Hew Cameron Merrett 馬宏恩 from Australia

Hew Cameron Merrett 馬宏恩

Please Tell me some reasons why people in Australia should study in Chien Kuo University (CTU)

With being so closely tied to Asia the opportunity to study internationally at a university like CTU provides an experience to understand the approaches used in engineering in Taiwan.

With many Australian engineering consultancies now involved in projects throughout Asia a university Degree from an Asian university like CTU will help to gain an edge in developing a career.

For me personally I would like to find work in Taiwan and I see the experience gained studying through CTU increasing my chance of achieving this goal.



Does CTU offer students from Australia a lot of support

Since applying to study at the university CTU have been very helpful in answering questions and providing information I have asked for. This was helpful in deciding to study in Taiwan and choosing CTU. Since arriving at the university all the international office staff have been very helpful in settling into the lifestyle of the university. My advisor and other staff in the Civil engineering school has been very helpful in helping me settle into the Taiwanese university life. The other students in my classes are always friendly and make sure I always know what is going on. Talking to other International Students at the university they have experienced the same.


Hew Cameron Merrett 馬宏恩

What is your Major

Master in Civil Engineering (Disaster Prevention).


What year did you start

September 2010.


When will you graduate?

All going well I will graduate in two years June 2012


Do your Professors teach in English or Chinese 

In most of classes the lectures are given in both English and Chinese and If I don’t understand anything in the lectures the professors are always happy to spend time to explain things. All the professors I have for my classes are able to communicate clearly in English.


Are your tests in English or Chinese?

They are in done in English.


Does CTU offer Chinese Class?

Yes it offers Chinese Class.


Are they Required or Optional

They are optional but I would recommend taking the opportunity.


Have you taken them

Yes, I take them I am very keen to improve my Chinese. I take about 4-5 hours of Chinese Class a week. The Chinese teachers are very good and it is also a good chance to catch up with the other international students.


How is the cost of living in Taiwan compared to Australia

The cost of living in Taiwan is very affordable compared to Australia. Many everyday things such as food are much cheaper in Taiwan than Australia.


Do you live on Campus or Off?

I live off campus in an apartment complex next to you the university.


Is housing expensive?

Where I live may be a little small but is comfortable and compared with Australia it is very affordable.


In your Opinion is Taiwan a safe place to live?

I feel that Taiwan is a very safe place to live. I have never felt unsafe or worried in Taiwan. From my experience people here are often friendly and helpful.

Hew Cameron Merrett 馬宏恩


Describe your Campus

The campus is smaller than many I have seen in Taiwan but it is well cared for with lots of gardens and is kept very clean. There are a lot of facilities on the campus which I enjoy like the running track and sporting areas.


How Does it compare with campuses in Australia 

The campus is somewhat smaller than the one I went to in Australia which was country university which had a very large campus but would have about the same amount of students. One thing I have noticed most is the campus here is always busy with lots happening which is a change from the quiet and large campus I went to in Australia.


What were your biggest concerns before coming to Taiwan?

Having spent 2 years in Taiwan previously, the concerns I had were more about life at university and what to expect. Since I have never studied in an international setting before, I was worried that it would be difficult and I would not have an enjoyable experience. For me the experience gained through studying in Taiwan is the main reason for coming back to Taiwan.


How did these things work out?

When I started classes I soon realised how supportive people at the university including the students. Sure I have some tough days but so far it working out how I would like and I am learning a lot.


Where have you Travelled in Asia so Far?

I have been to Vietnam, Cambodia, Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong. Also I have plans to add to this list during the summer holidays next year by going to Laos with my brother and sister.


What would you tell people in Australia think about coming to Taiwan to study?

The main thing I would say is “go for it!” The experience from studying here is more than just the receiving of a university qualification. Through studying in Taiwan you get to experience the lifestyle and culture as well as different perspectives that you would not experience in Australia. The cost of studying in Taiwan is comparatively cheaper than studying in Australia and there is opportunity to get a scholarship or teach English to support yourself.


What type of job or position or career do you see yourself in, in 10 years

I can my see myself working in Asia as a consultant, which has always a goal of mine. One day I hope to start my own consulting business focusing on Taiwan, an idea my wife and I have talked about a lot. Hopefully though the experience gained through studying in Taiwan can help me to achieve this goal.


What City in your country does Chunghua compare most closely to?

It is very hard to compare Chunghua to a city in Australia but if I had to pick one I would have to say Bunbury south of Perth (I was living in Perth prior to coming to Taiwan). It is close to Perth like Chunghua and Taichung and also has a lot of industry, but has its own distinct personality.


Jae In Lee 李仁在 from Korea

Please tell me some reasons why people in South korea should come to study in Chien Kuo Technology University.

Jae In Lee 李仁在
Chien Kuo Technology University gives us a lot of support and many opportunities, more even than we expect. We can take many Chinese courses free of charge from excellent professors and we can take any classes we want as exchange students. It means that even if some classes are not your major you can still take them! In my opinion this is very useful for your development. Actually, international students at Chien Kuo Technology University enjoy many benefits. The university has an international students organization. When you come here, you can immediately start experiencing a true international outlook by connecting with several foreign students. All of us will help you to adapt easily here. There is no doubt about it.

Does Chien Kuo Technology university offer students from South Korea a lot of support.

I always feel that Chien Kuo works very hard taking care of foreign students. It is natural. The university bestows favors on us. For example, we live in dormitory inexpensively, and we can go travel with faithful and friendly Taiwanese friends free of charge. Plus, many scholarships are awarded if you get good marks.


Jae In Lee 李仁在

What is your Major

I have a double major: English Education and Business Administration.


What year did you start

2010 March


When will you graduate?

I am going to graduate February 2012


Do your Professors teach in English or Chinese 

It depends on professors and classes. In my opinion, although we can hear a course of lectures in English, It is actually not good for us. The reason we are here is to study Chinese and English.


Are your tests in English or Chinese?

If you want to go in for an exam in English, we can ask for about that. And then professors comply with our request readily.


Does Chien Kuo Technology university offer Chinese classes?

Yes. There were five beginner courses and one intermediate course last semester. And now three intermediate courses and two for beginners.


Have you taken them?

Although I was a beginner on last semester, I took an intermediate class, too! Taking many courses and listening to a lot of Chinese is a good way to master the language.


How is the cost of living in Taiwan compared to South korea

The most important thing is eating. The food in Taiwan are cheaper than Korea. So, It is not a big problem. Also, living in dormitory is not a burden because It is cheap and comfortable.


Do you live on Campus or Off?

As I mentioned, I live in a campus dormitory.


Is housing expensive?

No. It isn’t. I haven’t lived in a dormitory before, but I had heard other school’s dormitories are expensive. We live comfortably and safe in our dormitory at a low cost.


In your opinion is Taiwan a safe place to live?

Yes. Sure. I have been living here for 7 months and have never got into harm’s way.

Jae In Lee 李仁在

Describe your campus?

When I came here for the first time, I was impressed with the main entrance. It was good to see. The, I went around the campus. There are many good sports facilities, gardens, a great cafeteria and many impressive sculptures.


How does it compare with campuses in South korea?

I think there are no difference specifically. Chien Kuo Technology University has all of the things one would find at a leading university in South Korea. I am really satisfied with Chien Kuo Technology University.


What were your biggest concerns before coming to Taiwan?

“How Taiwanese students think about Koreans or foreigners?” This was my concern. I hadn’t had a chance to meet any Taiwanese before. So, I was anxious. However, Taiwanese people are so kind and friendly! When I lost my way, they always helped me. If one person doesn’t know the way that I want to go they will stop and ask another and both will try to help me find the right way. This si so impressive and is always very touching. And, it is the way it is here! Even today, after seven months, I experience the same thing – always receiving a warm welcome and help.


How did those things work out?

After I live in here few days, I realized that my concern was unnecessary.


Where have you traveled in Asia so far?

Not other places, yet. But….I am going to travel to as many other countries as I can while I am here.


What would you tell people in South Korea thinking about coming to Taiwan to study?

You don’t need to worry about anything! Don’t miss the great chance to study in a beautiful place with great people.


What type of job or position or career do you see yourself in 10 years?

I am sure I will be in charge of trade or human resources in a company. I have been thinking about working as a HR manager for a long time. My two major certifications and my foreign language abilities will be advantages for me. Especially, my experience in Taiwan will be a huge benefit to my job prospects internationally.


What city in your country does Changhua City compare most closely to?

I think 公州(gong-ju) is similar with Changhua. Gong-ju is also located in the middle of South Korea like Changhua City. And, there are many historical buildings and temples. From Gong-ju we can go to Seoul(Capital of South Korea) easily and Pusan(famous city we can see beautiful beachesa like a 高雄).


Goh Chin Han 吳景漢 from Malaysia

Please tell me some reasons why people in Malaysia should come to study in Chien Kuo Technology University.

Goh Chin Han 吳景漢

I feel like studying at Chien Kuo Technology University is a special opportunity: You get to study in a foreign country.

You get to experience the seasons in Taiwan (spring, summer, autumn, winter).

You get to live in Changhua which is nestled next to the Bagua Mountains both warm and welcoming, cool & green.


Does CTU offer students from Malaysia a lot of support

Yes! Before coming Taiwan, we received a message from Chien Kuo Technology University describing the extensive support offered to Malaysian students from Chien Kuo Technology University.


Malaysian students who come to study for four years will be given a FULL scholarship – Malaysians do not need to pay school fees!

Malaysians who live in the dormitory only need to pay half of the housing fees!


Goh Chin Han 吳景漢

What is your Major

My major is digital media design. We learn Photoshop , Dreamweaver, illustrator and the history of design.


What year did you start

I started my studies in September 2010.


When will you graduate?

I and my fellow classmates from Malaysia expect to graduate after four years.


Do your Professors teach in English or Chinese 

My professors speak Chinese when teaching, but I hope that in the future I’ll take more all-English classes.


Are your tests in English or Chinese?

Generally our tests are in Chinese, but I know it’s possible to request English tests also.


Does Chien Kuo Technology University offer Chinese classes?

As Malaysian students we don’t really need the free Chinese lessons that Chien Kuo Technology University offers international student because Malaysian Chinese often speak Chinese, English and Malay!


Are they Required or Optional

Chinese classes for international students is optional. We didn’t take it. We use that time to upgrade our English potential (learning TOFEL lessons in the Language Center LINK HERE PLEASE).


Do you live on campus or off?

I live in the dormitory which located on campus. It’s easier to get help from professors or dormitory assistance compared with off campus. The most important is the monthly fess is very cheap!


Is housing expensive?

No, I think it’s very reasonably priced! International student just need to pay half price!


In your Opinion is Taiwan a safe place to live?

Yes, Taiwan is a peaceful country. The citizen are so friendly!

Goh Chin Han 吳景漢

Describe your Campus

When 1st arrived the I noticed immediately found was the school’s classical feel. Just like in a outdoor arts exhibition. Our campus really very beautiful!


How Does it compare with campuses in Malaysia?

If needed to compared with Malaysia university campus or Malaysia college, then only 1 word can describe Chien Kuo Technology University: “Great!”


What were your biggest concerns before coming to Taiwan?

Actually I didn’t have any concerns before coming Taiwan. The life style in Taiwan almost same as Malaysia .


Where have you Travelled in Asia so Far?

In Asia the only 2 places I have travelled are Singapore and Taiwan. But I hope that I can have the chance to travel to China.


What would you tell people in Malaysia think about coming to Taiwan to study?

I hope to have the chance to be a model in Taiwan. I’m learning how to be a model at this moment. Besides this, I also study multimedia skills very hard and am learning how to become an editor.


What type of job or position or career do you see yourself in, in 10 years

In Malaysia , Seremban City is the most similar to Chang Hua! Same as Chang Hua – a lot of beautiful scenery and delicious food!