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Costco Open in HsinChu!

Costco Comes to Hsinchu!

By tealit Staff Writers Published 07-08-2009

Hsinch, Taiwan Costco Storefront

Living in the Windy City of Hsinchu but not seeing your volume discounts?  Valleying in Taiwan’s Silicon Valley but without your double-size box of Cheerios?  Well…fear not!  Costco will open a new location in Hsinchu on Thursday July 9th.  Here's all the details about the new Hsinchu store, as well as a translation of the Costco press release..

Hsinchu, Taiwan Costco Printable Address

3 Liter Cans of Extra Virgin Olive Oil.  6 Packs of fresh Romaine Lettuce.  1kg of Grated Parmesan Cheese. 10 cups of Yoplait yogurt!  What more could any expatriate ask for?

Press Release:

Costco's Taiwan Store Opens July 9th

Owing to Hsinchu City’s high capacity for consumption Costco will open a new store in Hsinchu City.  This is Costco's 6th Taiwan store on July 9th. Costco Hsinchu's goal is to bring the people and high-tech professionals of Hsinchu a new shopping experience.

On the morning of July 9th Costco will offer the 1st 6,000 members or purchasers of new memberships a free Continental breakfast. On the 10th and 11th, the 1st 6,000 members or new members who come can get one free carton of eggs.

Even though there are already many warehouse stores in Hsinchu, Costco believes its unique membership system and distinguished products will be very well received, especially among Hsinchu City’s many high-tech professionals. Not only do we offer products loved by our members, such as USDA Choice beef and Free-Range Chicken, Costco will offer many other special products. From Austrian Silhouette glasses to high-quality home theater equipment, Costco always strives to give  members pleasant shopping surprises and great value.

Manager Lee Bou Mung 李伯孟 said that the Costco Hsinchu store is 4,100 pings. Costco Hsinchu's size puts it among the 6 largest warehouse stores in Taiwan.   Wide aisles and bright windows will make have been designed to make shoppers feel comfortable. Costco Hsinchu's walk-in cooler meets the most rigorous standards keeping frozen foods fresh.  Our Automotive Center, Pharmacy, Optical Store and Food Court set Costco, Hsinchu apart from every other warehouse store. Our Photo Processing Center’s also offers a unique an online service, a first in Taiwan! Members can order online and pick up their pictures at the warehouse. At Costco Hsinchu you can buy high-quality great value brand names and products, such as Acai health foods, Kirkland Signature, imported American bagels, the latest in consumer electronics, 8-foot surfboards, Bush shoes, wines from around Europe and the world and countless imported spices, all designed and carefully chosen to satisfy the needs of people in Hsinchu.

 *Translation by tealit Staff

 Their Press Release


看好新竹市全國第一的消費能力,國際知名美商倉儲量販業COSTCO好市多在台第六家分店—新竹店將於7/9隆重開幕,將讓新竹市民及竹科新貴們有全新的消費體驗,為慶祝COSTCO新竹店開幕,開幕前會員卡申請可享會員卡買一送一優惠。只要申請成為新竹店付費主卡會員(含家庭卡),可得到另一張 “第一年免年費「紅利主卡」 (含家庭卡),可贈送給您的親朋好友,(須親至新竹店申請辦理付費主卡方享有此優惠),此外,開幕期間還有獨家精選商品,要讓大家搶翻天,包括價值七位數字的巨鑽、法國五大酒莊之一Château Latour全球限量酒、CHANEL 、Cartier 、Rimowa、Herman Miller等品牌商品,數量有限,敬請把握, 另有多項會員獨享優惠,包括在開幕當天早上,免費提供6,000份精美西式早餐、開幕當日起一連三天免費領取十顆裝雞蛋一盒(每日限量6,000盒),以及長達八週的商品優惠活動,還未成為COSTCO會員的消費者,值得您趕快加入,一同親身體驗COSTCO好市多不同的購物價值。

COSTCO好市多企劃部暨土地開發部經理李伯孟表示,儘管新竹當地已有眾多量販業者進駐,但COSTCO相信,以其獨特的會員制度及產品差異化搶進市場,尤其新竹擁有不少往返歐美的科技人士,對於COSTCO的商品與品質有高度認同感,雖然賣場內只有四千多種品項,進口商品卻佔了五成以上, 除了提供一些已經深受會員們長期喜愛的固定商品如USDA Choice等級以上的美國牛肉、超人氣Move free外,我們也會不定期的引進一些特別的品項,來滿足會員們在賣場內尋寶的購物樂趣,從奧地利Silhouette眼鏡、到頂級家庭劇院組,我們的採購團隊總是想給會員們一些新鮮和驚喜。

李經理也進一步說明,COSTCO新竹店營業面積約4,100坪,為全台六店之冠,美式的寬敞購物走道,讓你感受熱鬧的購物人潮卻不擁擠,二樓獨樹一格的天窗採光設計讓空間更明亮、舒適,同時新賣場也建置了與美國同規格的開放式蔬果選購冷藏室(walk-in cooler),讓會員彷彿走入大型冰箱,安心採買恆溫冷藏的新鮮蔬果,另外,自營的輪胎部、藥局、光學眼鏡部、美式外食部〈FOOD COURT〉等,都是其他量販店所看不到的,而近期,相片沖洗部門所推出的線上沖印服務,更是一項創舉,是在台灣量販業界中首先推出的全新服務,會員們可以在網路下單, 到店取件, 非常方便。除此之外在COSTCO新竹店,您可以買到其他過去不易買到的高價差商品,像是市場上罕見的巴西莓系列健康食品、KIRKLAND SIGNATURE維他命等營養品、美國進口冷凍麵糰製成的道地貝果、最新機型的3C產品、8呎衝浪板、布希鞋、世界各國美酒、及進口特殊香料等商品,能充分滿足新竹市民全方位需求