AD Number : 4282 2021-01-12

Seeking flexible Chinese tutor

Teaching English and Living in Taiwan Tutors of Chinese Wanted  華語教學工作機會, Seeking flexible Chinese tutor image
image 1 of 1
Mandarin Ability Intermediate

Preferred Class Times

Monday Morning Afternoon Evening

Tuesday Morning Afternoon Evening

Wednesday Morning Afternoon Evening

Thursday Morning Afternoon Evening

Friday Morning Afternoon Evening

Saturday Morning Afternoon Evening

Sunday Morning Afternoon Evening

Skills to Cover Reading,Writing,Listening,Speaking
I am a Native Speaker of English
Nationality USA
Degree Required Bachelors
Text of Ad

Hi! I'm seeking a tutor to help me improve my Chinese. I would prefer to work with someone flexible because my Chinese ability is a little bit all over the place. I learned simplified Chinese in university, so my writing and my reading are behind my listening and speaking. I'm open to any suggested curriculum, and I'd love to be able to ask questions about grammar or vocab that I've learned outside of class. It would be really helpful for me to be assigned homework, too, so that I can practice during the week. I live in Neihu but I'm happy to meet somewhere more central like Da'an or Xinyi etc. I look forward to learning with you!

Age Level of Student Adult
Number of Students 1
Name Sab
Location Taipei City 台北市
District Neihu